I specialize in showing and breeding English Lops. In 2006 I decided to get a
rabbit and since my sister Christy and I raised English Lops when we were growing up in youth and 4-H that is what I
decided to get. I am very lucky to know some great rabbit breeders that are always
willing to listen to me and answer questions. My first rabbit came from Eeyores Ears rabbitry owned by Courtney
DuCharme (Adams). She has some awesome rabbits and is extremly helpfull....... but best of all she isn't afraid to give
anyone her honest opinion! Thanks Courtney! Also a huge help is Jenny Tice* from Looney Lops rabbitry.
Jenny and I showed youth together until I got out in 1998 so I was very excited to see her when we got started again.
Jenny told me about Rachel Olson of SKR Rabbitry. She has some really nice rabbits also.